root=# CREATE TABLE xxx ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , name CHAR(15) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE root=# CREATEUSER test PASSWORD 'test'; CREATE ROLE root=# GRANTALLON xxx TO test; GRANT root=# DROPUSER test; ERROR: role "test" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it DETAIL: privileges fortable xxx
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root=# SELECT*FROM information_schema.table_privileges WHERE grantee='test'; grantor | grantee | table_catalog | table_schema | table_name | privilege_type | is_grantable | with_hierarchy ---------+---------+---------------+--------------+------------+----------------+--------------+---------------- root | test | root | public | xxx |INSERT|NO|NO root | test | root | public | xxx |SELECT|NO| YES root | test | root | public | xxx |UPDATE|NO|NO root | test | root | public | xxx |DELETE|NO|NO root | test | root | public | xxx |TRUNCATE|NO|NO root | test | root | public | xxx |REFERENCES|NO|NO root | test | root | public | xxx |TRIGGER|NO|NO (7rows)
root=# REVOKEALLON xxx FROM test; REVOKE root=# DROPUSER test; DROP ROLE root=#
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revokeallon database XX from test; revokeallonall tables in schema public from test;